Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lesson 4: Avoiding Your Inner Scrooge

What the heck am I supposed to say during the months of November, December, and early January?
After all, you don't want to be sued for being overly-religious, or maybe too intolerant of religion, or maybe just looked at as a scrooge for saying nothing at all. The holidays are like walking on thin ice, literally...unless you live in Texas. In which case, I can recommend some fantastic deals on snow-makers to brighten your not-so-white-christmasy-days. 
Should we go over some rules? Take notes, people. 
Why are you not writing?!
This will be on the test!
That's better...
1. If you're Christian say "Merry Christmas"
2. If you are Jewish, say Happy Hanukkah"
3. If you believe in Kwanza ... say " Happy Kwanza" 
4. If you are Atheist, or a general non-believer in happy, festive, or smiley occasions...Go with "Happy Xmas" "Meh" or the traditional, "Bah Humbug!" (Spellings and pronunciations may vary)
5. If you are unsure and wanting to be unoffensive, go with HAPPY HOLIDAYS! That's what the rest of America seems to be doing. We wouldnt want to hurt anyone's feelings, right?
Basically, you break the ice. Grab yourself a religious hammer, and say whatever it is you believe. Why so difficult? Because we Americans like to make things as complicated as possible. Make a trip through airport security with a water bottle in your bag and you will understand my point. Trying to figure out what chipper seasonal phrase to use is like body scans at the airport: uncomfortable and unnecessarily evasive. Oftentimes, just like Christmas
Feliz Navidad! (For those foreign Christmas-goers)

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